
Tuesday, July 01, 2003

The Real Trisha Fate

I'm going to try to do this more often. I can't make any absolute promises, but I will put forth an effort. What more can you expect from a working girl?

A lot of folks have asked me about my abilities. Well, let me see if I can run down things a bit. First, there's the obvious. I am abnormally strong. I can bench press about five tons, and I can leg press twice that much. That's why I'm so good at jumping. It's also why I'm such a fast runner. I can do about seventy-six miles per hour. I can even reach eighty with good tail wind. Having that much strength requires control. Fortunately, I've been trained, well...programmed, to have complete control over my body. Then, there's my stamina. No, I do get tired, but it takes longer to wear me down, and I can recover very quickly.

Now, here are some things about me that aren't so obvious. My bones are shatter resistant. Oh, sure. Drop a truck on me and something's bound to snap, but if I fall from a great height, my bones won't break. Usually. Then, there are my eyes. I can see in the full light range from infra-red to ultra-violet. It can come in handy when tracking down criminals. My eyes can also adjust for distance. They can work as telescopes, or even microscopes as the situation dictates. My ears and nose were designed to function just like a canid's. That is to say, I'm qualified to work as a bloodhound.

I can hold my breath almost indefinitely. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but apparently my lungs can recycle the carbon dioxide I normally exhale into a new source of oxygen. I can go without food for weeks, although I've only tried it for a few days. It's not a habit I particularly want to develop since I've rather taken a liking to eating. Can't live without water, though. That's essential to all life on this planet.

Well, I think that's enough. I don't want to give away all my secrets. ^_^