Not Again!
Can you believe this? It's been eight months since I posted here. Maybe I should give up this whole blog thing. I mean, I'm really too busy to do it. Ah well.
What's happened in eight months, let's see. We learned that hindsight is 20/20. The purported reason for attacking Iraq was because we were under threat from their weapons of mass destruction, or WMD's. God, why do people have to make an acronym out of everything? Would is kill them just to say "weapons of mass destruction"? I think a lot of the reasons we have peoblems today is poor communication. Stop being lazy people and speak fluent English. No more acronyms or slang terms, please. But, I digress.
Anyway, no weapons of mass destruction were found. So what, we went through all that crap and got some good soldiers killed for nothing? Au contraire, mon frere. The whole point of this little escapade was oil rights. Our president and his cronies are oil barons. Ergo, they stand to make a lot of cash if Iraq became a bona fide ally in democracy. So, go in and attack, blow off European allies like so much dandruff, capture the curent head of government, place a strategically hand-picked replacement and instill democratic practices. Then, schmooze with the the previously rebuffed European heads and all is gravy. After all, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?
Very clever, but morally bankrupt. Who the hell are we to force our values on another culture? It's the rape of Africa all over again.
What else....oh, I made a new friend. A Jamaican woman who, through a freakish set of circumstances, developed the physical attributes of an ant. She calls herself Red Formica. She rather nice, actually. She has this really spunky roomate named Ari who reminds me so much of my friend Lisa Harrigan. I came to find out later that they truly did know each other. Heh, what are the odds?
Anyway, I recently helped Red Formica and Ari out of a tricky legal jam, not to mention I saved Red Formica's life, and bagged the nut job who turned her into a human ant in the first place. Quite a busy night that was. You can read all about it here.
What's happened in eight months, let's see. We learned that hindsight is 20/20. The purported reason for attacking Iraq was because we were under threat from their weapons of mass destruction, or WMD's. God, why do people have to make an acronym out of everything? Would is kill them just to say "weapons of mass destruction"? I think a lot of the reasons we have peoblems today is poor communication. Stop being lazy people and speak fluent English. No more acronyms or slang terms, please. But, I digress.
Anyway, no weapons of mass destruction were found. So what, we went through all that crap and got some good soldiers killed for nothing? Au contraire, mon frere. The whole point of this little escapade was oil rights. Our president and his cronies are oil barons. Ergo, they stand to make a lot of cash if Iraq became a bona fide ally in democracy. So, go in and attack, blow off European allies like so much dandruff, capture the curent head of government, place a strategically hand-picked replacement and instill democratic practices. Then, schmooze with the the previously rebuffed European heads and all is gravy. After all, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?
Very clever, but morally bankrupt. Who the hell are we to force our values on another culture? It's the rape of Africa all over again.
What else....oh, I made a new friend. A Jamaican woman who, through a freakish set of circumstances, developed the physical attributes of an ant. She calls herself Red Formica. She rather nice, actually. She has this really spunky roomate named Ari who reminds me so much of my friend Lisa Harrigan. I came to find out later that they truly did know each other. Heh, what are the odds?
Anyway, I recently helped Red Formica and Ari out of a tricky legal jam, not to mention I saved Red Formica's life, and bagged the nut job who turned her into a human ant in the first place. Quite a busy night that was. You can read all about it here.