The Wind(ow) s of Change
So, Microsoft has finally decided to draw a line in the sand and announce final cut - off of technical support for Windows XP, and let's be fair, they've gone far and above the call of duty on their most popular OS to date. But, it's time to move on. Which leaves a bit of a dilemma for a number of consumers. Their older hardware won't run Windows 7 or Windows 8. If they are unwilling, or unable, to purchase a new machine, then they are stuck with an aging OS the won't receive any more security updates. Or are they?
Most machines can gain new life if XP is replaced with Linux. If you have a lower end machine with 2GB of RAM and a Core Duo or Core 2 processor, then I recommend Lubuntu - the Ubuntu operating system with the LXDE desktop environment. It's interface is reminiscent of Windows XP, will run quicker and smoother than XP ever could on such hardware, and no more worries about viruses. If you have 4GB or more of RAM and a powerful graphics card, then I recommend Kubuntu - Ubuntu with the KDE desktop environment. It's interface is much like Windows 7.
Changing from Windows to Linux is very difficult. You have to get used to the fact that most of your Windows programs won't work. Try to find alternatives in the software repository. Frequently, these programs can read and write popular Windows file formats. If there is a Windows program that simply doesn't have a satisfactory alternative, then the use of WINE is recommended. However, since basic WINE is very difficult to use, I recommend CrossOver which makes installing Windows software on Linux a but easier for the new Linux user.